segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Flores de roseira brava - Wild rose flowers

 Uma das minhas motivações para acumular objetos de loiça, a maior parte ligados ao chá, é dar guarida a peças de boa qualidade, belas e apreciadas à nascença, mas que ficaram desprezadas por algum tombo que deixou estrago, ou pela perda do seu complemento, chávena ou pires.
One of my motivations to accumulate china objects, most of them tea related, is to give shelter to good quality pieces, beautiful and appreciated at birth, but left uncared due to some fall  that resulted in damage or to the loss of the matching part, cup or saucer.

Depois, aqui no blogue, procuro dar-lhes de novo um certo glamour, pela história que podem contar,  pela temática da decoração ou pela companhia que lhes consigo arranjar, para participarem em mais um chá à terça-feira. Hoje mais uma vez com Tea Cup Tuesday, Tea Time Tuesday e Tuesday Cuppa Tea.
Then, here in the blog, I try to give them some glamour again, through the story they can tell, the theme of the decoration... or the company I find for them :) so they can participate in another tea on Tuesday. Today, once again with Tea Cup Tuesday, Tea Time Tuesday and Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

Esse é o caso da chaveninha com três delicados pés dourados, decorada com flores e folhas sobre um suave fundo azul claro, que comprei por 2 ou 3 euros, sem pires e sem qualquer marca.
Não queria mostrar a menina assim de pernas para o ar ;) mas só desta maneira se podem ver os três pezinhos em que ela assenta.
That's the case of the little cup with three delicate gilded feet, decorated with flowers and leaves on a light blue ground, which I bought for 2 or 3 euros, saucerless and unmarked. I didn't mean to show the girl turned upside down ;) but only this way can one see the three little feet on which she stands.

Reparei há pouco tempo que as flores pintadas à mão que embelezam a chávena são de rosas bravas, muito semelhantes às dos raminhos usados para enquadrar a paisagem ribeirinha de chávenas de porcelana Vista Alegre, que cá tinha em casa. 
Not long ago I noticed that the hand painted flowers that embelish the cup are wild roses, very similar to the ones used to frame the waterfront landscape on Vista Alegre cups, which I already had at home.

A paisagem, incluindo o pormenor da ponte de madeira, lembra-me  os arredores da Fábrica Vista Alegre em Ílhavo, junto a um prolongamento da ria de Aveiro.
The landscape, including the detail of the wooden bridge, reminds me of the surroundings of Vista Alegre factory, in Ilhavo, close to a stretch of Aveiro sound.

Esta chávena V.A. é de uma porcelana muito fina, bem translúcida, colorida à mão, num conjunto já centenário ou quase, uma vez que a marca foi usada entre 1881 e 1921.
This V.A. cup was made in a very thin porcelain, quite translucent, hand coloured, in a set that is centennary or nearly so, since its backstamp was used between 1881 and 1921.

E chegada a primavera, por enquanto chuvosa e triste aqui para os meus lados, não tardará muito que comecem a florir as roseiras bravas, que se agarram a muros e a sebes e vão alastrando com belos tufos de flores singelas ou dobradas.
And once Spring has arrived, rainy and sad around here for the time being, it won't take long before  wild roses start to bloom, clinging to walls and hedges and spreading in beautiful flower clusters, either single or double.

São destas assim dobradas as que vão colorir a minha sebe, talvez daqui a um mês...
Mas até lá, terá que vir muito sol!!!
They're like these doubles the ones that will colour my hedge, in a month, maybe...
But until then, there must be a lot of sunny weather!!!

Desejo a todos os que me visitam uma boa semana pascal, para muitos em merecidas férias... mas não comam muitas amêndoas! :)
I wish a good Easter week to all those who come to visit, many of them enjoying well deserved holidays...but don't eat too many almond eggs! :)

30 comentários:

  1. Hello Maria, Your teacups are both very pretty. My favorite is the pretty floral that you've filled with almonds. Happy Tea Time!

    1. Hi Beth,
      The footed teacup, pretty and lady-like :) also attracted me as soon as I saw it.
      Thanks for visiting. Hugs

  2. Hello Maria,
    I am loving both your tea cups today. SO pretty! The first one is very elegant with the three feet and it's gorgeous layered design. The second one so sweet with it's pastoral scene.
    Happy Easter and Happy Spring too : )

    1. Happy Easter to you, too, dear Terri!
      I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my tea cups, they're both little treasures to me.

  3. Precious Porcelain! I love the sweet wild roses on both of your cups and saucers. Vista Allegre is a fabulous factory of porcelain! It would be a great place to visit one day. I have been fortunate to visit the china factories in England before most closed. Thanks for sharing the lovely hand painting on the delicate posrcelain!


    1. Yes, Pam, Vista Alegre factory is a great place to visit: it keeps all the surrounding 19th century buildings which were made for the workers and it has a museum, shops and other facilities. And it is still working and producing great porcelain!

  4. I love your 3 footed cup with the hand coloring and the scenic teacup is wonderful! Don't you wish they all had a list of all the places they had been? Wonderful choices! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

    1. Well Ruth, that's our secret but impossible wish :).
      If only each fingerprint could be recovered and identified!!!
      Thanks for visiting and for hosting TCT.

  5. Maria, I love the teacup you found with the little feet. I do not have a footed teacup. The Vista Allegre teacup is wonderful. Love teacups with scenes. I also love that you enjoy finding the *odd* teacup that was once loved and bring it home to enjoy and add to its story. I bought a lovely teacup the last time I was in the thrift shop. Really didn't look at it closely, but the price was too good to pass up. When I got it home I found that the saucer had been broken and carefully repaired. Someone had loved it enough to repair and keep it. It is very precious to me as I add to its story! Happy Tea Day! Happy Spring!

    1. Well, Snap, bringing home a bargain and then notice it was damaged and repaired has often happened to me, but if I like the object I don't care much. You're right, it means it has done good service and someone has tried to make it live a bit longer in someone else's hands...
      I'm glad you liked my teacups.
      Happy Spring to you, too!

  6. Respostas
    1. Olá Princesa,
      Obrigada pela visita.
      Também te desejo uma ótima primavera.

  7. Maria, those little legs on that tea cup are wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen little legs on cups before. :) I hope the sun comes out for you soon. Here in Vancouver it's raining like crazy too.

    1. Hi Veronica,
      Footed china cups are not so unusual, I have two more, but with legs like this one are rarer. That's what makes me say she's very ladylike :).
      Yes, I hope Spring settles here soon... and in Vancouver, too.

  8. Hello Maria,
    Your teacups are really sweet. The three footed one is darling especially with the soft blue eggs in it. I always love a pastoral scene on china and yours is no exception. There is something oh so charming about them. Thank you for sharing your pretties with us today and coming to tea.

    Easter blessings to you & your loved ones,

    1. Dear Sandi,
      We find pleasure in these small pretty things, so we're easy to satisfy, aren't we? ;)
      Thanks for hosting Tea Time Tuesday and letting us share our little treasures.
      Happy Easter to you, too!

  9. Your tea cups are very pretty. I love the three footed cup. So sweet. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sandy!
      Be happy enjoying these Easter days!

  10. Hello Maria~
    WHat treasures! I love the quaint painted scenes. Fascinating background information. The cup with the little golden feet is sweet. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Happy Easter,

    1. Hi Shawn,
      I'm glad you enjoyed the post and my two wild rose cups.
      Happy Easter to you, too!

  11. Hi: I have to pick the cup with the feet as my favorite. It looks like an Easter Egg that can walk. It is too cute. Have a wonderful Easter. Blessings, Martha

    1. You're absolutely right, dear Martha, the three footed cup is egg-shaped and looks like a walking egg cut in half :)
      Thanks for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday together with Terri.
      Easter greetings to you. Hugs

  12. Dear Maria .,
    that footed cup is really oustanding and so sweet. I love the colors and the dainty flowers. Could it be that it had no saucer at all? Thank you for your sweet comment about the porcelain Easter eggs. Is this a special German tradition? I didn't knew that.
    Me and Wiski wish you a Happy Easter.
    Best greetings, Johanna

    1. Hello, dear Johanna,
      I'm sure the three footed cup would have a saucer but I found it already in a widow status. :(
      As to the porcelain eggs, they're not a tradition with us, here Easter used to focus above all on religious celebrations; the eggs we offered and ate when I was a child were just the small almond eggs covered with sugar. The chocolate ones are more recent...
      Eggs for decoration I believe are mostly a Central and Eastern European tradition, aren't they?
      I miss seeing Wiski around on his beats...
      Happy Easter ! Hugs

  13. Já conhecia há muitos anos o motivo desta chávena da Vista Alegre. Tenho a ideia que há até duas ou três variantes desta paisagem. Mas só quando fui ver o Museu da Vista Alegre em Ílhavo é que me aperecebi que eram as paisagens circundantes à fábrica que os artistas pintavam.

    Bjos e boa Páscoa

    1. É verdade, Luís, que a Vista Alegre tem vários modelos de chávenas com paisagens, certamente algumas inspiradas nos arredores da fábrica. Já mostrei outras que tenho num post antigo de que deixo aqui o link:
      Uma Boa Páscoa também para si.

  14. I love how you always do a bit of research for each piece you own and share it here.

    The flowers are lovely. Summer is coming very soon and the sun in Portugal must be nice.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Well, Felicity, the sun hasn't often shown up here since Spring started. And as we're used to it I miss it so much!
      I'm glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for visiting.
      Happy Easter to you, too.

  15. Bem, Maria Andrade!! Nos dias que se seguem a terça-feira é um problema arranjar estacionamento no seu blog :) Só mesmo no fundinho da página :)

    Brincadeira à parte adorei as peças que nos mostra e muito mais, as motivações que apresenta para a compra das suas peças. Acho que aí é que reside o encanto deste hobby.
    Foi muito perspicaz ao reparar nas semelhanças entre as rosas que decoram as duas peças que, muito provavelmente, terão tido origens distantes.
    A última fotografia para além de ser uma tentação está muito bonita.
    Beijos e um boa Páscoa

    1. LOL, Maria Paula! Aqui há sempre lugar para mais um(a)!!!
      Penso que as motivações que apresento são um pouco as de todos nós que gostamos de velharias. Pegamos no que outros consideram lixo e levamo-lo para casa, "com muito amor e carinho" :) dando-lhe uma nova vida.
      Obrigada pela referência à última foto. Modéstia à parte, acho que dá vontado de comer, não só as amendoas... mas também a chávena!!! LOL
      Uma ótima Páscoa também para si.
